Note: This update is likely to autokern the font somewhat differently.
I recommend to:
- Fully kern the font(s) you are working on (using the “Kern On” button)
- Create a backup copy of that file
- Install Kern On v 1.02
- Open the file, start Kern On
- In case Kern On removes models (this can happen), resolve the problems
- Open the backup file
- In Glyphs, activate the new version (which has KO running)
- Choose “Compare to...” the old version
- Identify whether you need any additional models
The most important changes in this version are:
- Tabular figures are set to “No kerning” the first time you use Kern On with a font. If you add them later, just set the “No kerning” manually, although this is usually not even necessary as tnum-based pairs are not autokerned.
- “Compare to...” now only compares the current master.
- Comparing fonts now also reflects spacing changes.
- Now you can click on the influencer label (under the slider) to insert it at the end of the line.
- If a glyph is modified then Kern On also updates glyhps that contain it as a component. (I hope this is reliable. If in doubt, just close and re-start Kern On to be sure everything is up-to-date.)
- The automatic selection of models when re-using pre-existing kerning is somewhat improved.
- Many other significant improvements and fixes.